Buy and download sheet music of Turkish composer Mehmet Erhan Tanman

Transcriptions (for solo piano), Op.10

ID: SM-000169196
КомпозиторMehmet Erhan Tanman
ИздательMehmet Erhan Tanman
Год создания 2011
Жанр Классика / Современная
Инструменты Фортепиано
Состав исполнителейСоло
Тип нотДля одного исполнителя
Время звучания 9'0"
Описание It’s about and emperor and the dark eras he prevailed, revolts, and at the end of these fights against him the victory, but eventually a conclusion as a presentation of meaningless of war and fighting..

Transcriptions does not have a stave system which pianists used to in general notation as two-stave type: Music develops with four-stave system from the beginning to the end. Thats because (aware of its not a newly created idea by myself, as Beethoven and Liszt thought) the look to the piano not as a piano, as an contemporary orchestra. I wanted to re-create a new look to the piano in a century that generally called for piano as stuck about new music, new “musical” looks and new “musical” technics. As language, music contains passages that we can call tonal and atonal seperately. Also we can detect piano’s original sound world between block-orchestral sound worlds which are definitly dominant.

audio example of the piece:
Дата публикации 08.08.2012


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PDF, 374.9 Кб (20 стр.)


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